TOOL: Future Vision for High Performing Humans with Rory Callaghan

This is a journal entry of your life, one year from today. Take out 30 minutes from your day. Go somewhere that gives you the space to dream. Put yourself one year in the future and visualize where you are and what you have achieved. Then write from the heart what has happened, how it happened, and how you feel about it. There are some pointers along the way, but add whatever you need to add to the vision, and don’t stop until you are totally inspired by the destination you are setting:

A quick video to explain why and how you can consciously manifest anything into reality. When combined with aligned action. Anyone from any corner of the globe can live the dream life they script below in this reality.

Simply start by scripting your ideal life and lifestyle for 12 months time. Move from being the passenger in someone else's play. To the author, director, and character in your own life play.


My Journal Entry

*Stand in the feeling of the end vision. Live it every day. Operate from that space. Let go of what does not flow, so you can grow.”

Date: eg. Jan 9th 2023

I am so grateful for the last year.

In the last year I have ... <what have you achieved?>

My ideal day….

My health & wellbeing (12 medicines)… fillyourcup & serve from abundant overflow.

My ideal lifestyle….

My Genes (eg. I control 95% of who I become! )

My Mind… (eg. lives in a high vibration of gratitude, I journal daily etc.)

My Food (eg. my fuel is mostly plant based & I finish the day with energy to spare)

My Movement (eg. I am unrestricted in my physical body etc. )

My Sense of spirituality….

My Work (ikigai)……

My Connection (self, family, friends, community)

My connection to nature

My environments

My Work…...

My Personal cash flow...

My Personal abundance

My Reputation...

My Business……..

My Customers...

My Partners...

My Team...

My Home……...

My Family...

My Friends...

My Network...

My Mentors…

My Travel...

My Hobbies...

My New skills...

My Time...

My Peace of mind...

My Love of life...

My Magic moments...

My Sense of purpose...

My Contribution & Social Impact...

My Outlook...

My Next year...

Your entire journal entry could be two pages or ten. When you have completed it, ask yourself if it inspires you at a level of 10/10. If not, ask what extra you need to add. Once complete, send it back and post up a copy where it will be visible to you throughout the coming year. This is your destination for the next 12 months.


Its time to pick up the pen and "Be the author, director, and character in your own life play". Or continue to live as a character that you never truly were born to be. Living your life by someone else's pen.

Put yourself one year in the future and visualize where you are and what you have achieved. Then write from the heart what has happened, how it happened, and how you feel about it. There are some pointers along the way, but add whatever you need to add to the vision, and don’t stop until you are totally inspired by the destination you are setting:

TIP ** *Stand in the feeling of the end vision. Live it every day. Operate from that space. Let go of what does not flow, so you can grow INTO THE VISION. Write as if its already happened or happening”

Your entire journal entry could be two pages or ten. When you have completed it, ask yourself if it inspires you at a level of 10/10. If not, ask what extra you need to add. Once complete, send it back and post up a copy where it will be visible to you throughout the coming year. This is your destination for the next 12 months.

After you have done this, sit with it. Give yourself some time to update and refine it as your thoughts become clearer.

GUIDE: "Scripting"?

GUIDE: For the Creative souls.


One year, one day at a time! You will surprise yourself!

The first time I did this in 2016, this self-care project was just a drawing on a piece of paper. The book was just an idea in my head. Yet I wrote it down. I was reminded that I will overestimate what I can achieve in a year and vastly underestimate what I can achieve in 5-10 years later. In 2021 the SelfCare book was finished, the platform is built and I am living the ideal day that I once dreamt of. Bearing in mind that when I initially wrote my first future vision document. I had my dream job, but was unfulfilled, unhappy, unhealthy, burnt out and disconnected. This process literally saved and changed my life.


Set a reminder in your calendar for 12 months time.

When you do review it in a year's time. Find a quiet place, grab a cup of tea, and some highlighters.

  • In green highlight everything that happened or came true.
  • In orange highlight what was started but not finished.
  • in red highlight what wasn't started.

Then simply repeat the process each year. You can even do a 10-year or 100-year vision that goes beyond your lifetime and starts to consider the legacy you want to live and leave! But, let's start with the baby steps.

I hope it can enable and empower you to do the same.


  1. NEED MORE GUIDANCE: If you need some more guidance, listen to Dr. Joe Dispenza as he runs through the full process and how it works in reality


OK, Turn it into a Vision Board that you subconsciously look at every day.

3. TAKE A PHOTO and tag in so that we can create a giving impact on your behalf. Or join the Lifestyle Medicine Community online to share it and inspire others. Also, to stay accountable.

SelfCare Global Collective
SelfCare Global Collective
THE RISING BILLIONS Our mission is to remind people that they have never needed to be fixed; simply nourished.
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