Table of Contents

Founded in Ancient wisdom & Integrated with 100% Evidence-Based Scientific Frameworks for Self Care, Awareness, Mastery, Expression & Impact!

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Lifestyle medicine is a simple reminder that you have never needed to be fixed, simply nourished and supported. Join the rising billions and stop focusing on Quick Fixes, Silver-bullet solutions, one-shot gimmicks, or one-trick solutions.
SelfCare Book by Rory Callaghan

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This is more than just a book!

📚 1. The SelfCare book: Dive deep into the world of self-care with strategies, techniques, and actionable steps tailored for health professionals, coaches, and entrepreneurs. Understanding the science and art of taking care of oneself in the midst of life demands

💡 2. Exclusive Webinar Access: Join a live webinar where you can ask questions, get personalized advice, and learn from experts in the field of self-care. This is a unique opportunity to interact and gain insights tailored to your profession.

📋 3. Customizable SelfCare Plan Templates: Don't know where to start? We've got you covered. Get access to templates that you can customize according to your needs, ensuring you have a structured plan to follow.

🎧 4. Audio Summaries: For those on-the-go moments, listen to concise audio summaries of each chapter. Perfect for busy professionals who want to absorb information while commuting or during breaks.

🤝 5. Chat with the Author Community & Networking Opportunities: Get exclusive access to a private community of like-minded professionals. Share experiences, seek advice, and collaborate on projects or ideas.

🎁 6. Bonus Content: Receive additional chapters and content that delve deeper into specific self-care strategies for each profession. Whether you're a health professional, coach, or entrepreneur, there's something extra for you.

🛠 7. Toolkit & Resources: A curated list of tools, apps, and resources that can aid in your self-care journey. From meditation apps to productivity tools, we've got recommendations to enhance your self-care routine.

🔒 8. 30-Day Money-Back Guarantee: We're confident in the value this offer provides. If you're not satisfied, get a full refund within 30 days. No questions asked. Simply message our team directly with the receipt at Understanding

Investment: Less than the cost of breakfast, with a lifetime investment in a resource for you :) Enjoy!


AUSTRALIA - The bronzed "Aussie" !

USA - The American Dream!

UK - The Queen, milk and cookies!


FRANCE - Healthy moderation!

ESTONIA - The human-centric society!

ITALY - The oldest living men!

NETHERLANDS - Cheese and windmills!

JAPAN - The oldest living woman!

BRAZIL - The Amazon "lungs of the earth"!

CANADA - Maple syrup and polite people!

MEXICO - Amazing food and beaches!

INDIA - Ayurveda and treating the whole!

If you get stuck, SEARCH

  1. "Rory Callaghan"
  2. "SelfCare - Lifestyle Medicine for the People"

Here is what's in this book for you.

We will do our best to remove all the barriers, but ultimately we just want everyone to access this curated consciousness.

4 Step Formula from SelfCare to Self Mastery

1. LEARN: The thinking dynamic

Self Awareness: Explore tools and self-assessments that will guide you towards your own self-realization of where you are starting from, so that you can know where you are going to next. Whilst connecting in with trusted mentors who show you where to look, without ever telling you what to see. Explore a curation of the collective consciousness. Ancient wisdom integrated with modern evidence-based science, applied with simplicity to today's world.

2. DO: The empowerment dynamic

SelfCare: An adaptable and integrated matrix of 12 medicines to work from. Ensuring that you can put your own oxygen mask on before trying to help others with theirs. Reminding you that it is ok to fill your own cup first so that you can continue to serve from abundant overflow. SelfCare is selfless. It's looking after yourself so that others may never have to. Whilst knowing that connection and support is the elixir to longevity.

3. EMBODY: The action dynamic

Self Mastery: learn to master the power of small, filling your own cup daily. Start by winning your morning, then your day, then your week, and finally your years. Focus on the power of growing just 1% daily. In 12 months you will be 25-37x ahead of where you started. The character we play in this life is the sum total of our patterns of behavior, not our thoughts.

4. BE: The embodiment dynamic

Self Expression: Be the person you are here to be. With nothing to hide, no one left to blame, nothing to compare yourself with, and no one to judge. It starts with a belief, an intention, a thought, an action, behavior, and finally a habit. Ultimately, we become what we repeatedly do. How we act & react to any of life's circumstances, how we treat people, what we do when no one watching, and ultimately how we treat ourselves.

A Personalised '12 Medicines' Formula

Towards A Healthier, Happier, More Connected You!

SelfCare is a personal journey

Discover The 8-Step Pathway to Self Mastery.

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Selfcare Book, It's Much, Much More Than Just Another Typical Shelf-help Book...

The SelfCare book contains comprehensive wellness material based on ancient wisdom & modern evidence-based science blended in a simple-to-follow 12-step solution that revolutionizes your health & wellbeing.

If you're burnt out and ready to renew your body it will help you to do so in a healthy and sustainable way.

The future of modern medicine is lifestyle-based medicine; integrating ancient wisdom into our modern world and shared human experience.

I too believe that all people will have the ability to live long and healthy lives, free of preventable chronic disease.

Towards longevity and co-creating global blue zone communities that enable longevity within any geographical context.

"A $100,000 in Medical Bills & Synthetic Medication Couldn't achieve what a simple shift in consciousness and daily lifestyle rituals could"... Anyone else been here?

A Quick Introduction, Before We Focus On you!

Start at our front doorstep, in our local community

Hey! For those that don't know me, I'm Rory.

You can read more about me here, follow my journey in real-time, and see what I have been up to over the years here.

This is my first published book "SelfCare'. Lifestyle Medicine for the People. As you can probably tell, this has been inspired by so many people and perspectives.

It's taken me 7 years to get here, but I knew deep down that It would be ready when the world needed it.

Above, is the first-ever workshop I did for family and friends. It's the reason WHY I am here sharing this with you. Once I had earned my own health back, I realized that the people I cared about would need this solution one day too. Perhaps even now.

I realized that I had to create something that could reach them and the people we care about from where ever we stand. With a simple and common mission;

"To remind each other that we have never needed to be fixed.'

Whilst working together to co-create enabling and nourishing environments that permit us all to thrive, not just survive.

So, to get the book into as many hands as possible, I'm offering this book for Free. You just cover the cost of getting it to you. Why?

"You don't write a book to make money, you write a book to have a positive impact on the world"

It doesn't mean we are averse to the energy that money represents. I just trust that if this truly helps you, you will share it organically with the people you care about. From here there will be opportunities to exchange more value with us, with every cent helping us grow the movement for an exponential impact. Yes, we will need your help. But, I understand that you need to trust us first.

After all health & wellbeing is a human right and something that should be available to everyone, not just the privledged few.

All you have to do is pay to ship it (only when it’s published, I’ll notify you about that). SUBSCRIBE to our email list where will start to give it all away for free in bite-size, digestible chunks.

This SelfCare movement is taking off, and I want to invite you to be part of something bigger. JOIN THE THE RISING BILLIONS!

Take a minute and answer these tough questions...

Do you want to keep living in a state of disharmony or dis-ease putting stress on the quality relationships you have because you're always working, whilst forgetting about what's really valuable in life?

Wishing for a new body.. Hoping for a new life? or planning to change something tomorrow for the 111th time.

Do you want to continue sleeping for 3-5 hours a day, every day for the rest of your life? Waking up more tired than the day before? Or not sleeping at all, as the tabs in your mind forget to shut down and close.

Is this really where you see yourself?

Normalizing the tiredness, the fatigue, those internal feelings, and external signals?

Didn't think so... I had to ask myself these questions too.

Look, If you've been going at 1000 miles an hour, it's time for you to stop NOW before you crash and burn.

You are the driver and author or your own biological story, so it's time to stop focusing on the 5% outside of your control...

It's time for radical self-responsibility.

And focussing on the 95% within your control before it’s too late and you find yourself in a situation feeling "successful" but unhappy with no meaningful connection to life., yourself, your family, and even your partner.

Right now you may even be watching things crash and burn around you, wondering why it's happening..

Feeling restricted from living into your full human potential…

Deep down, you know that "the universe or God" starts by giving us a whisper, then a tap on the shoulder, and finally a big fluffy baseball bat to the face or even a brick wall. It forces us to stop, slow down, and finally listen.

Carl Jung shared "There is no coming to consciousness without pain."

This means that we avoid the hard truths, suppressing our true feelings, or distracting ourselves with work and other means... until we are forced to listen. It's usually in sickness and desperation, that people realize the true value of their health. Something, which money cannot ever buy.

A lesson is repeated until learned. It will be presented to you in various forms until you have learned it. When you've learned it, you can then go on to the next lessons. If you don't learn lessons easily, they become harder. You will know you've learned a lesson when your actions change.

It's probably a good time to share 12 simple reminders of being human. To normalize that it happens to all of us.

  1. Gratitude: You will receive a body.
  2. Surrender: You will learn lessons.
  3. Acceptance: There are no mistakes, only lessons.
  4. Fool me once: A lesson is repeated until it is learned.
  5. Fail Forward: Learning lessons does not end.
  6. Presence: “There” is no better than “Here.”
  7. Reflections & Triggers: Others are merely mirrors of you.
  8. Choose: What you make of your life is up to you.
  9. Outside-In approach: The answers lie inside you.
  10. Inside-out approach: Your answers lie inside you.
  11. Willful Ignorance: You will forget all of this.
  12. Focus: You can remember it whenever you want.

Does this sound familiar:

"I'm so exhausted. Every day I'm going 15 hours straight and barely sleeping"

"No matter how many hours I put in, my goals seem further than they've ever been"

"All this stress from working late is killing me. If I keep living like this, I might go under ...",width=273,quality=75/

I know: I've been there.

I had spent & even wasted hundreds of thousands of dollars trying to buy back my health.

Not to mention what seemed like years of constant suffering.

Yet, I wasn't finding the solution to my pain & those signals & symptoms, telling me that my human vessel was out of alignment & in disharmony.

It was only after years of intense research, looking to find any information on self-care that I was finally able to unearth the secret solution in plain sight.

The one I knew that if I tweaked, would end up changing my life for the better.

I simply wanted to FEEL healthy, happy & connected in a sustainable way.

And if it worked for me and others.

You Can Be Sure That It'll Work For You Too. It's simple & simplicity is mastery!

Imagine your health 10x!

The strangest part about it is that I had been looking for the same thing I put on thousands of other peoples' faces working in the allied healthcare system.

What a paradox.

A smile and a look of satisfaction that only comes from knowing that all would be well within themselves.

And it was knowing that they had finally brought their human vessel back to its full human potential.

For years I labored in Australia as a physical therapist working with peak performance athletes. I had my dream job but lacked my dream life.

I Became the 'The Go-To-Guy To Fix 'Broken Athletes'

Those who seemingly wore their body out beyond repair, and had no hope of ever returning to a top sports career again...

I proved the skeptics wrong and got those athletes back on their feet again.

Doing what they loved & performing at their highest potential.

But at a cost... Everything has a cost...

The expense was my health and wellbeing.

At the expense of my own health and wellbeing.

I had given so much that I was left serving from an empty cup of wellbeing. I had forgotten to put my own oxygen mask on.

I knew that serving others at the expense of myself wasn't what "being a congruent health professional was all about"

I had been searching within myself for the joy that I brought to others as a therapist

To no avail ...

Depression ensued ... Those dark moments and shadow self.

My body sent me signals; Stomach pain, backaches, inflamed joints, neck spasms & no energy to even get out of bed in the morning...,width=925,quality=75/

I Had Lost My Energy And Zeal For Life...

I was burning the wick at both ends. I had chosen this life.

Even if I was making a comfortable salary and my family & friends thought I was successful by those "societal definitions", my health was on the decline.

Going to work seemed like a chore rather than the passion it once was.

And it was then that I knew that continuing life like this would have only brought me a tragic, early death. Or even a restricted life. Limited by dis-ease & dysfunction.

I had the "man in the mirror moment".

I asked myself if I was happy, healthy & connected. I said NO, to all three.

So I did what I thought was the logical thing...

I asked for help. I went to the doctor & sought out the best-allied health practitioners.

After all, if I'm not well the first thing I should do is go see the doctor, right?

$100,000 AUD Is What I Spent on Doctor Visits, Consults, Products, Services.. Running Test After Test After Test... To get Diagnosis xyz...,width=925,quality=75/
$100,000 in tests chasing symptoms

Lymes disease, Cancer & even an AIDS test! : they checked for anything that could explain why my immune system was so compromised.

To give me an answer & maybe even a death sentence. Things were THAT bad...

Yet they all came back negative. PHEW! So now what?

Doctors were perplexed. They were lost for answers & a precise diagnosis.

And I still wasn't feeling better than when I arrived. That's all I wanted!

Emotional and physical distress was all I knew for years.

Until I decided to take the future of my life into my own hands.

I did my own research... I wanted to be the driving force, not the passenger.,width=925,quality=75/

I combed through the deepest and darkest depths of evidence-based healthcare, ancient texts & everything in between.

Looking through the obscurities and thick underbrush of Encyclopedic health pages & sifting through the pages of self-proclaimed gurus and experts.

Hoping that as I turned the jagged edges, the answer would jump up and scream "Me! Me! I'm here!"

I simply wanted an answer to why I felt this way.

But I was delusional enough to hope for a magic test that would give me all the answers.

However, I Did Find Out Two Things That Dramatically Changed The Course Of My Life...

#1: No matter how much medical care I was getting, prescription drugs and ever-changing medical advice would get me nowhere without a fundamental lifestyle change.
#2: The key to ending the cyclical abyss of misery and unhappiness did exist. I had to take the keys back and stop giving my power away. I was the driver of my human experience with every thought, choice and daily ritual that would ignite my human potential hidden in the innate wisdom of my bodies amazing blueprint and cells!

I combed through the deepest and darkest depths of evidence-based healthcare, ancient texts & everything in between.

Looking through the obscurities and thick underbrush of Encyclopedic health pages & sifting through the pages of self-proclaimed gurus and experts.

Hoping that as I turned the jagged edges, the answer would jump up and scream "Me! Me! I'm here!"

I simply wanted an answer to why I felt this way.

But I was delusional enough to hope for a magic test that would give me all the answers.

5 Years Of Refining The Solution; I Stumbled Upon The Simplicity...,width=290,quality=75/

Relentless discipline to actively carve a better life for me.

It is an imperfectly perfect personal journey that I am asking you to go on.

A journey without comparison or judgment.

Just an inner vision & driver to be the best version you can be.

Selfcare is a lifelong personal journey.

For me, too, I am going on this journey with you. Teaching what I most needed to learn myself and am still learning & embodying)

And now I can say that the formula I created has finally brought me exactly what I was looking for. Internal harmony, bliss, and flow - The 12 Medicines!

The 12 Medicines are a simple framework for the expansive collective consciousness of health, wellbeing, and longevity.

Naturally, if you implement these changes, you really become your own SelfCare Doctor.

Not in a medical way that endorses you self-diagnosing ailments or anything radical like that.

But in a way that you can stay healthy and happy for many long and wonderful years.

It allows you to serve from a full and overflowing wellbeing cup each day...

It enables you to serve from overflow and give this energy to the world...

You are creating a positive ripple effect of change, starting at my own front doorstep...

I've Proven That It Works... With Myself And Many Others!

It's time to help people put an end to the misery that I too suffered for years.

So that you too can find peace and internal harmony at last.

And live more productive days without running down their body's battery to 'E'.

As an allied health professional, I have treated, guided, and supported

  1. Over 1000 functional training clients
  2. Over 5000 patients in clinical practice
  3. Over 5000 high-performing athletes from weekend warriors to the Olympic level
  4. Impacted over 50,000 customers, leaders, and team members in my first online health and wellness business
  5. Facilitated over 1000 high-performing & high-impact entrepreneurs with workshops, summits, and retreats globally.
  6. Personally mentored over 1000 young leaders, innovators, and passionate souls who have been inspired to bring their ideas for good into this reality.
  7. Socially, our reach is has grown from the thousands to the millions and perhaps even the billions with your help.
We hope to reach and positively impact 1 in 8 people with this message. That's nearly 1 billion + people. To do that we will need your help

If this sounds interesting to you and you too want to Selfcare a get on the lifelong personal journey, then get the FREE copy of the Selfcare book, get the first chapter delivered to your inbox immediately, and join the other 1000 founding change makers.

Here Is A Quick Overview

The 8 Steps That Will Help You To Ignite Your SelfCare Revolution... Plus Bonus 9th Step.

Become your own SelfCare Doctor.... 1% a day will keep the doctor away.


IDENTIFY which of the 4 zones you are starting in (radical responsibility), which zone you are moving to next and how full is your cup so you can have a long, prosperous, healthy life...


Nothing in SelfCare has been more exciting. Learn how to choose your true north and find your own unique north star! It’s something that you will be able to see and feel, even on the stormiest day!


Action without vision and clarity will leave you running in circles. So, learn how to get intentional. You'll learn how to create a goal that is meaningful to you in the context of your life right now...


Alignment is queen. It’s the nurturing energy to the lower ego’s desires. If mother earth has its own way of aligning itself to find balance and homeostasis, then you too need to align yourself...


Learn how to add 14 years to your life & reduce the risk of chronic preventable disease by over 80% - by stopping/swapping or moderating specific four behaviors...


Learn about all 12 Medicines - what they are, how they work, why they work, what are your top 3 medicines and why you need to know them NOW!


Learn how to 'fill your cup', connect, engage and nurture yourself. When your 'cup' is full, your life will be full too...


Discover the 3-morning rituals that you would like to commit to so you can start the day strong...


Learn how to create a ripple effect of positive change that starts by Impacting your front doorstep and doing something good in your local community aligned with your purpose or the sustainable development goals....

Finally, if you just Remember ONE THING

You are not broken. You don't need to be fixed. You just need the right solution and guidance along the way. Choose to be nourished every day in every way."

A little bit about me…

I’m an author, speaker, health futurist, digital nomad, and Allied Health professional based in Bali "The Island of the Gods".

I take a "big picture" approach to good health & wellbeing. My passion is helping people ignite their human potential & optimize this once-in-a-lifetime human experience.

I’ve decided to create Self Care as an empowered platform & ecosystem of mentors, evidence-based information, and ancient wisdom to help people help themselves.

Reminding everyone that our human vessels have the great innate wisdom to thrive, not just survive.

I believe and know that we don’t need to be fixed by gurus or expensive coaches/consultations as a foundation.

We simply need to be nourished by healthy environments & connected as communities (Blue zones).

In the same way, it takes a village to raise a child; it takes a community to heal the sick and thrive together.

Rory Callaghan

By the way....

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EVERY TIME SOMEONE JOINS OUR COMMUNITY, SOMETHING GREAT HAPPENS IN THE WORLDOur Why“The Rising Billions” Our 100-year vision and living legacy Is to simply remind people that they have never needed to be fixed, simply nourished. Our intention is to help co-create environments and empower systems tha…

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